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Describe an graduate thesis enjoyable weekend you have experienced Everyone in his life experiences . some memorable incidents,good or bad.These could be the happiest,the saddest, the funniest or the most enjoyable . Good Transition Sentences For Compare And Contrast? One Sunday morning, I received an invitation from my friend,Sudhir as i had come back from the United Kingdom to my native land.I woke up early in the morning and defense graduate thesis, started preparing myself.My sister gave me a cup of compare two stories essay, tea early in the morning,Then Itook my bath and got ready.I was anxious in graduate getting. Bus , Bus stop , Bus transport 605 Words | 2 Pages. Are you Experienced ? by William Sutcliffe Author:William Sutcliffe was born in London on 9 March 1971 and grew up in essay Harrow, a . north west London suburb. He attended the Haberdashers´ Aske´s School in Elstree (a school for graduate boys) for 7 years and then he studied at Cambridge University. There he was a member of following elements character analysis in order, Cambridge Footlights, a well known performance group that mounts several shows a year.After graduation Sutcliffe worked as a television researcher for divers independent production companies. Hotel , Hotels , Motel 1901 Words | 4 Pages. kinda annoying that my PC got some problems when we already have our DSL…duuhhh…). Graduate Thesis? Okay back to that Saturday night. As soon as i get there i . already started doing what i need to do but then i can’t resist on chatting with my friends and term, watching (glimpse on) tv (America’s Next Top Model)while doing that important thing and even my friends log off from YM i find some other thing that will avoid from making me feel sleepy. I watched videos on defense graduate You Tube. I watched the video of Koike Teppei, japanese singer. DVD , Metro Manila , Shopping mall 1070 Words | 3 Pages. we packed our thing because it was already time to do my term paper go airport. We check-out of the graduate thesis hotel and went straight back to the airport and take a flight back Kuala . Reviews Books? Lumpur. Even though the journey was tiring, I really enjoy our holiday. I hope to have an enjoyable weekend like this again. Diving , Malaysia , Ocean 444 Words | 2 Pages. Workweek and thesis, Traditional Designated Weekend. last weekend . Professional Tips? It was just like any other ordinary weekend . I got up later than usual on Saturday morning. Graduate Thesis? After breakfast I . went over to my friend Arul's house and spent some time reading comics there. Arul has tons of comics. His father buys the latest for him. Being his friend, I get to read them too. We read comics till lunch-time. Then I went home, had lunch and took an afternoon nap. Do My? Taking an afternoon nap is graduate thesis, a pleasure that I can indulge in only on weekends . Following From Character? On weekdays I do not have time. High school , Saturday , Sleep 921 Words | 3 Pages.  HAVE YOU READ A NEWSPAPER? ABSTRACT Have you ever . wondered; why we find the defense graduate thesis lead story in the farthest upper-right hand column? Like most people, we try to keep up with the news by watching it on essay about television. That is how 65% of defense graduate, us get 100% of our news – from the 24-odd-minute television news broadcast. What television news bring is primarily a front-page headline service only. To get all one needs to know, one has to amplify these headlines with a complete. A Story , CBS Evening News , Dan Rather 1211 Words | 4 Pages. Analyse and about writing essays, Evaluate an defense graduate Event You Have Attended. Assignment 1 Analyse and evaluate an event you have attended 2. Introduction The sea sessions is a three day . festival located in essay essays Bundoran Co. Donegal in the beautiful north west of Ireland that has been described as being one of the best surf, skate and music festivals in Europe. Now in it's second year (2009) and continuing into it's third in defense 2010 offers a weekend of over forty live music acts, surfing, skating, arts, food and following elements a compare and contrast character, bars along with the defense graduate natural charm of Bundoran town. Evening , Festival , Music 1649 Words | 4 Pages. of the things have been harder to achieve then others, but they are all very important. Put The Elements A Compare And Contrast Character Analysis Essay In Order? Some of the most important things it has taught me are . things like responsibility. It has taught me to be able to think clearly under pressure. Tennis has helped me plan out what I need to do to become successful. One of the other very important thing that it has made me aware of is self discipline. I think that the most important thing that it has taught me is that nothing is easy, and you have to work hard for. 2009 singles , Discipline , I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do 995 Words | 3 Pages. How to Want What You Have “It’s not having what you want. It’s wanting what you’ve got.” - Sheryl Crow The . 45-minute drive home last Wednesday night from Leavenworth to thesis Overland Park, Kansas gave me some time to think. I just dropped off my younger son, Andrew, for a five-day personal development seminar, and I welcomed the chance to reviews books remember a similar night six years ago. Andrew, I concluded, was fortunate. Attending as a 17-year-old would give him valuable resources he could use for his. Attention , Debut albums , Feeling 1181 Words | 4 Pages. MgtS 4481 Sec. 5 Geoffry Bell, Ph. D. February 6, 2012 Hand-In Summary 1 Hambrick and Fredrickson’s literature review, Are you sure . Graduate? you have strategy? focuses on the key components of a strategy. Its purpose is to do my term paper expand on the past 30 years of strategic frameworks and help us identify what actually constitutes a strategy. When executive call everything strategy, they create confusion, so this article works to dispel the misconception many executives and scholars hold that a strategy is. Chemical element , Choice , Element 733 Words | 3 Pages. Fendi Writing Brandon You Should Have a Healthy Diet Are there many healthy people in America? The answer is thesis, no, because so . many American people are obese. It is a serious problem that so many American people have unhealthy eating habits. Transition For Compare And Contrast Essays? Especially people who live in the city usually eat a lot of junk food. The general reason is that they have no time to defense graduate thesis choose healthy and delicious food because they are too busy doing their work. Term? Even though people know junk food is not nutritious, they eat. Dieting , Eating , Food 928 Words | 3 Pages. Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? not everything in the world is the way it was thought to be, the graduate thesis world crumbles into essays pieces, but how does it happen? Joyce Carol Oates portrays an amazing . detailed moment of theft of chastity, or at graduate, least what is left of it, in writing tips "Where Are You Going, Where have You Been?" With symbolic imagery, major bibliomancy, and extreme personal conflict Oates easily manages to get her point across of the complete loss of graduate thesis, innocence. A constant image that is brought to the reader’s creative thoughts is colors. Joyce Carol Oates , Short story 934 Words | 3 Pages. Stacey Robinson Professor Victoria Madden Bonillas English 1010 14th July 2014 Thesis’s of Where are you going, where have . you been? Where are you going, where have you been is about a young teen thinking she knows the rules of life when she really doesn’t. As we grow up in essay about writing essays life we always seem to feel like we know more than our parents and that we have all the answers. The main character was Connie a young free spirited fifteen year old girl who was conceited and thought she was the prettiest. Child sexual abuse , Coming out , Family 1985 Words | 5 Pages. “Where have you been” By: Khalid Arbei Arellano The cold wind from the east blew solemnly. Thesis? It makes the curtain dance with . its rhythm. Essay About Writing? Esh Reh felt it, so she gets her woolen bandana and conceals her neck up to graduate her head. She went to the window, holds the transition sentences for compare essays window pane and slowly pulled it then she goes to the chimney and after she lighted it, she sitted in front of it and put her hands near to the flame to lessen the coldness that she feels. She sensed the spirit of thesis, Christmas. Compare Two Stories? It’s December already. Been So Long 931 Words | 3 Pages. Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? Connie is a young fifteen year old who cares about her sexual drive that men have toward her. “The 1960s unleashed the so called sexual . Defense Graduate? revolution. From And Contrast Character? It seemed more a source of comic relief and tragic nostalgic recirculation than political inspiration…” This revolution consisted of women demanding their own rights so they could become more and more independent. There were significant shifts in social attitudes, behaviors, and defense graduate thesis, institutional regulations at professional essay, the beginning of the defense graduate thesis 60’s and also lasted through. 1970 , 1970s , Fred Zinnemann 1002 Words | 3 Pages. She says; Cosette, I love you very much. About Writing Essays? I know a place where no one’s lost I know a place where no one cries. Crying at all is not . allowed, Not in my castle on a cloud. Defense Thesis? Madame Thenardier comes bustling down the stairs in a bad mood. She glowers at little Cosette and changes the closed sign from “closed” to “open”. Put The From And Contrast Character Analysis? MADAME THENARDIER Now look who’s here! The little madam herself, Pretending once again She’s been so awfully good! Better not let me catch you slacking! Better not catch. Javert , Jean Valjean , Les Misérables 573 Words | 3 Pages. Would You Be Happier If You Were Richer. Would you be happier if you were richer? A Focusing Illusion by defense graduate thesis, Kahneman • The belief that high income is term, associated with good . mood is widespread but mostly illusory o However those who are rich tend to graduate be more tense and don’t spend time in reviews books enjoyable activities • Focus illusion: he says people exaggerate the contribution of income to defense graduate happiness because they FOCUS on the conventional/established/standard achievements when evaluating their lives. Essay About Essays? • Measuring subjects well being through surveys. Eudaimonia , Happiness , Household income in defense graduate the United States 942 Words | 3 Pages. Start-up Weekend Report gv4325-Tarunireddy Sarikonda 1.What did you do? Ans : Wow, what an experience! Trying to create a . company or a product in just a weekend is reviews books, really intense. Graduate Thesis? It is a great way to meet fellow hackers, designers, developers and hustlers. It’s also a good reality check of creating a startup of your pitch, creating innovative ideas in the compressed time frame of 54 hours. MY EXPERIENCE: Signed in, filled out my name badge , sat down at compare essay, a table with my fellow-mates.It was my. Pitch , Saturday , Startup company 1588 Words | 3 Pages. The setting for The Diary of Anne Frank is in a “Secret Annexe” in defense Amsterdam, Holland. Anne and her family are not the only people that are hiding in compare essay the . “Secret Annexe,” the thesis Van Daans live with them also. Anne draws a map in the book to reviews books show you a layout of the “Secret Annexe.” It’s pretty large, although with eight people living there, it’s quite crowded. Defense? The plot for the story was for Anne and her family to hide from the Germans until the war was over. Compare Two Stories Essay? Hiding was hard for the Franks. Amsterdam , Anne Frank , Jews 542 Words | 3 Pages. Have you ever bullied or been bullied.  Have you ever bullied or been bullied? If you have bullied or been bullied then you . Defense Graduate Thesis? should know how bullying feels like. Bullying is very negative and do my term, creates major problems for our society. Nothing good comes out of bullying. It could very well change or ruin a person’s life. In fact, it does ruin many people’s lives. Kids can be mentally scarred if they are teased often. Even worse, they could be killed or fatally injured if the bullying gets extreme. There are many causes for bullying which must. Abuse , Bullying , Complex post-traumatic stress disorder 1160 Words | 4 Pages. Where Are You Going Where Have You Been. adulthood is defense thesis, frustrating and essay about writing essays, confusing, and in most adolescents, is filled with apprehension and anxiety. For the protagonist Connie, this distress is . expressed in her dreamlike encounter with Arnold Friend. In the short story “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?,” Joyce Carol Oates used the defense graduate thesis interaction between her two main character, to reveal the internal fear and conflict of essay writing, a fifteen year old girl maturing into a young woman. Oates chooses narrate her story in the third person giving. Charles Schmid , Daydream , Dream 934 Words | 3 Pages. David Woodward Prof. Kang English 101 12 April 2013 YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED The primary purpose of literary fiction is to . reveal some truth about life, by way of art, encapsulated in story. Add all the defense pieces of truth up in the story and we have a unifying concept called theme. Literary devices are used by authors to express theme. “Once upon a time” is an excellent piece of literary work written by Nadine Gordimer. Gordimer brilliantly uses suspense, indirect presentation, and unhappy ending to. Antagonist , Fear , Fiction 993 Words | 3 Pages. Where Are You Going Where Have You Bee. September 2014 Essay 1- Rough Draft Fantasy Vs. Reality in Joyce Carol Oates' “Where Are You Going, Where Have . Compare? You Been?” There are often times when a perception is the total opposite of reality. People are gifted with creating illusions or fantasies based on what they fully believe that something can be. False perception verses reality is seen in Joyce Carol Oates’ short story “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” Symbols throughout the defense story also play a major role in the theme. Oates uses. Blond , Fantasy , Joyce Carol Oates 1810 Words | 5 Pages. and to enjoy, not restrict. For Compare And Contrast? What most people fail to realize is that the defense thesis video game industry, like the film industry, is heavily regulated with a strict code . of parental guidelines already in place. Even the transition sentences game consoles to play these violent games have parental controls. What I fail to understand is that some parents believe its okay to give their children 18+ rated games even though they are well under that age, and say that these games are the graduate sources of violence between children. If parents would. Arcade game , Atari , Half-Life 2626 Words | 7 Pages. where are you going where have you been? “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” As I read “Where Are You Going, Where . Have You Been?” I sat on professional writing the floor in the corner of graduate thesis, my room, completely alone in essay about writing essays a four-bedroom suite on a Saturday night. I desperately wished that what happened to Connie would not happen to me that night. Few stories have terrified me as much as this one by Joyce Carol Oates. I feared I would soon encounter someone like Arnold Friend, and he would threaten my family if I refused his seductions to graduate blindly follow. Joyce Carol Oates 1163 Words | 4 Pages. Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? Loving, Superficial, Intimate Teens "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" by Joyce Carol Oates catapults . its reader into a seductive, fifteen-year-old mindset, embodied by the main character, the rebellious Connie. Connie, much like Sammy, the main character from "A & P" by compare two stories, John Updike, is on the prowl for companionship and sex. Their unsuccessful search for intimacy, appreciation for family life, and superficial attitudes are what bring them together as similar characters but also what. Family , Father , Interpersonal relationship 1256 Words | 3 Pages. Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” Paper “Where Are You Going, Where Have . You Been?” is defense thesis, a short story that poses many questions centered around the protagonist, Connie and the antagonist Arnold Friend and his “comrade” Ellie. The fate of professional essay tips, Connie at the end of the story is still up for debate after all these years after the story was published in 1966. The main question posed is who actually is Arnold Friend? Is he the devil or something else? The answer may never be fully known but in. Arnold Schwarzenegger , Female , Girl 1134 Words | 3 Pages. Where Are You Going, Whre Have You Been? this character, Connie, in graduate thesis “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” by Joyce Carol Oates, is depicted as a . self-centered, condescending, insecure fifteen year old girl growing into a woman. Term Paper? Connie comes off as a troubled young girl who consistently uses her sexuality for defense thesis attention but at the same time is afraid of intimacy. Do My? This is graduate thesis, said be due to her fractured relationships with her family; her frequent excursions with older boys that appeared to not have any interest after the first encounter. Arnold Schwarzenegger , Bob Dylan , Charles Schmid 1601 Words | 4 Pages.  " You have been my friends. That in itself is a tremendous thing." - E.B. Two Stories? White - "I always knew that when I looked back . on the times I cried I would smile. But I never knew that when I looked back on the times I smiled I would cry." "My friends have made the story of my life. In a thousand ways they have turned my limitations into beautiful privileges and defense graduate thesis, enabled me to walk serene and happy in the shadow cast by compare essay, my desperation." - Helen Keller - "One day at a time, this is defense thesis, enough. 2002 singles , 2007 singles , 2008 albums 1224 Words | 8 Pages. Where Are You Going Where Have You Been. In the short story “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been,” Joyce Carol Oats uses characterization including . From And Contrast Essay? methods such as symbolism and allusions to develop her characters, and thus establish her theme of the cross roads Connie faces in her transition from the defense graduate innocence of reviews books, her adolescence to the impurity of adulthood facilitated by the antagonist, Arnold Friend. From the beginning of the defense thesis story, the reader sees Connie has a strong desire to professional essay writing tips make her early transition into defense adulthood. Although. Arnold Schwarzenegger , Devil , Drive-through 1024 Words | 3 Pages. Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? criminals in paper this world and defense graduate, there have been for term paper years that it really doesn’t matter the time period. There can be such a thing as a frightening . Graduate Thesis? criminal and about essays, one who is not. One can be a psycho path, the other a sociopath, but can one be normal? Mary Flannery O’Connor’s story “A Good Man is hard to Find” is defense thesis, about a family who goes on a vacation, get in an accident and is murdered while asking for help. Joyce Carol Oates story “Where are you going, where have you been?” is a story about a young girl. A Good Man Is Hard to Find , A Story , Crime 1690 Words | 4 Pages. Have You Ever Experienced Falling in Love? Have you ever experienced falling in love? How do you know if you're in love? Does age . really matter when you fall in love? What does love feel like? These are some of the reviews books questions asked by teenagers like me. I, as a teenager, admit that I have loved someone, and have been loved back. At first, I didn't know that, but I woke up one morning and realized that I was in love with him. I taught myself that time that I was too young for love since I was just 15 years old back then. Adolescence , Love , Young adult 514 Words | 2 Pages. Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" By Joyce Carol Oates A short story titled "Where Are . You Going, Where Have You Been?" tells a tale of an adolescent girl who suffers consequences of growing up in the unsupportive environment and the society preoccupied by the media. Defense? It is do my, considered to be the most famous work of Joyce Carol Oates, an American writer, the winner of many significant literary awards and a two- time candidate for graduate the Nobel Prize in transition sentences for compare Literature. Defense Graduate Thesis? The story was first. Adolescence , Bob Dylan , Boy 1021 Words | 3 Pages. You should have enough rest Nothing better than feeling of waking up completely and full refreshed. Sleep is necessary and . Two Stories? important for graduate thesis life. Today, a person has lacked sleeping because of a busy schedule, every day. In today most people have timed to reviews books sleep around 4-6 hours If you think that's enough, then you think wrong. That is not enough for the human body. This is an issue that should be solved urgently because Sleep not enough to have a bad affect than you think. Antibody , Emotion , Immune system 392 Words | 3 Pages. Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been. “Where are you going, Where have you been:” The Media’s effect on youth In this 1966 short story written by thesis, Joyce . Carol Oates, fifteen-year-old Connie is a self-absorbed teenager who spends her time fantasizing about romance and about writing essays, searching for attention from graduate thesis, men. While out with a suitor, a strange man promises her, "I'm gonna get you , baby" (2). Connie doesn't think much of the incident until one day while alone at home; the man comes to term paper “get” her. Defense Graduate Thesis? The assailant, Arnold Friend, is kind at first then. Childhood , Female , Girl 1120 Words | 3 Pages. Where Are You Going? Where Have You Been? Connie’s Paradigm In Joyce Carol Oates’ short story, “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” we follow the . main character Connie as she faces an inner transformation. Following From A Compare In Order? The author introduces Connie as a vain and inexperienced adolescent who seems to daydream about things she doesn’t quite understand as she has more of defense graduate, a naive idea of what adulthood is all about. She takes pleasure in having control over everyone and everything around her. These ideas as well as her security are shaken when the. Arnold Schwarzenegger , Joyce Carol Oates , Short story 1247 Words | 3 Pages. Where Are You Going? Where Have You Been? Charles Howard Schmid, Jr. also known as "The Pied Piper of Tucson," was an American serial killer. Do My? In the story, Where Are You Going, Where . Have You Been? by Joyce Carol Oates, the character Arnold Friend was based on the serial killer in which Connie was one of the graduate many victims he had abducted. There are many possibilities on essay about writing essays how the author intends the readers to defense understand it. Such as, it could be a dream that Connie is having, in all actuality it could be real; it could send a message. A Story , Charles Schmid , Devil 1195 Words | 3 Pages. A Moment in Your Life in Which You Experienced an Epiphany. Describe a moment in your life in which you experienced an epiphany Table of essay, Contents Introduction 3 Cultural and graduate, . Good Transition For Compare? Religious Difference that changed my perception 3 Political Environment in USA 3 Freedom of Living and expression 4 Conclusion 4 Introduction Some instances happen in life suddenly change the perception towards life and reality. I also experienced such an incident in my life that entirely changed my view and thinking towards US Natives. Then, I realized the defense thesis difference. Culture , Life , Mind 1077 Words | 3 Pages. the bad overall. In Weekend , written by Fay Weldon, it is transition for compare and contrast essays, the opposite case for poor Martha and her husband, Martin. In the beginning of . this story, it clearly proves that Martha is a very busy woman. Defense? Weldon digs right into good transition sentences essays her getting the graduate thesis house packed up and professional, the children ready to leave for their weekend house. She is thesis, dressing the children, preparing the food, stripping the beds, and reviews books, locking up the house. Being the reader, it goes noticed whether being home or at their weekend house, Martha does. Fay Weldon , Husband , Marriage 956 Words | 3 Pages. Have You Restructered for Global Success? Reflection Course name: Introduction to International Business Subject matter: HBR Reflection Details article Title: Have . You Restructered for Global Success? Author: Nirmalya Kumar and Phanish Puranam Journal: Harvard Busniss Review Date of defense graduate, publication: October 2011 BHM Have You Restructured for Global Success? Introduction The article at hand ‘ Have You Restructured For Global Success?’ written by writing, Nirmalya Kumar, professor of marketing and Phanish Puranam, professor of strategy. BRIC , Developed country , Developing country 1190 Words | 4 Pages. You Have Reason for defense graduate Cloning Humans. You Have No Reason for Cloning Humans Think of walking down the street in thirty years and running into an exact replica of . yourself. Is it your twin? No, you do not have a twin; it is two stories essay, your clone. Defense? Your biological makeup could have been cloned as an embryo and raised separately as an experiment. I bet many of you have seen Star Wars, Jurassic Park or many of the other movies that describe cloning. Professional? Most of what you see in these movies is false. What you do not know is defense, if that cloning could be. Chimpanzee , Cloning , Hominidae 1494 Words | 4 Pages. Fear in professional writing Where Are You Going Where Have You Been. changes as you grow older and transforming from defense, a young and reckless, naïve child into a working, responsible adult could be very fearful. Reviews Books? . Change itself is graduate thesis, one of the biggest fears people encounter each and every day. Having to do things on their own, or figuring out if the decisions they make are right and if their experiences are going to help them or just hurt them more in term the long run. Graduate Thesis? In Connie's experience with Arnold Friend, whether it is real or a dream, the theme of reviews books, "Where Are You Going, Where. Anal sex , English-language films , Fear 1002 Words | 3 Pages. ‘’Where Are You Going Where Have You Been” INTRODUCTION: “Where Are You Going Where Have You Been?” by defense thesis, Joyce Carol, showcases the inevitable effects of . youthful exuberance in a teenage girl. The story is a compelling tale which unveils the vulnerability of Connie, a young teenage girl who could barely substantiate fantasy from reality. Good Transition Sentences For Compare And Contrast Essays? She prides herself as a pretty girl who understands the basic principles of graduate thesis, life. Transition For Compare And Contrast Essays? Her encounter with Arnold Friend reveals her as someone who lacks the mental ability to defense graduate make meaningful decisions and accurate. Boy , Coming out , Convertible 1331 Words | 3 Pages. Comparison of Smooth Talk to professional tips “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” Comparison of Smooth Talk to “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” Joyce Carol Oakes’s short story, “Where . Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” was written in 1966 and twenty years later was made into defense thesis a movie entitled Smooth Talk, winner of the 1985 U.S. Film Festival for best dramatic picture. The writing by Oates is loosely based on a true story described as “the tale of Charles Schmid, a twenty-three-year-old who cruises teenage hangouts, picking up girls for rides in his gold convertible”. Charles Schmid , Human sexual behavior , Joyce Carol Oates 1032 Words | 3 Pages. Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been. The dramatic irony of “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” conveys the tone of essay tips, warning about temptation. . Defense Graduate Thesis? Connie’s situation is that she does not feel appreciated at home and uses her looks and actions to get attention and appreciation from boys even if it is short-term. She is self-conscious about her looks and is constantly worried about how other people perceive her. Friend’s fantasy is that Connie will willingly go with him and good and contrast essays, be his “lover” (605) even before he officially met her. The. Irony 889 Words | 3 Pages. Where Are You Going Where Have You Been. The character in “where are you going, where have you been?” Connie is thesis, affected by the role she plays in modern . society. Fifteen year old Connie has the good transition sentences and contrast confusing, often exterior behavior typical of graduate, those girls who are facing the difficult transition from essay about, girlhood to womanhood in the 1960s. She is caught between her roles as daughter, friend, sister, and object of sexual desire, uncertain of which represents her real self. The sixties were the graduate age of youth, young people wanted change. The changes. 1960s , Boy , Family 891 Words | 3 Pages. Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been. In Joyce Carol Oates’ “‘Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?’ and Smooth Talk: Short Story into paper Film,” Oates . writes that Connie “An innocent young girl is seduced by way of her own vanity” and that “she confuses death for erotic romance” (419). Defense? Oates clearly defines her point when Connie first discovers Arnold Friend at the drive in diner. She catches Friend staring at her with a big smile and Connie “slit her eyes at him and turned away, but she couldn’t help looking back” (409). The fact. Joyce Carol Oates 889 Words | 3 Pages. Have you ever been to essay writing essays a college class? Did that class only consist of graduate, two exams, a midterm and a final throughout the following from and contrast character analysis entire . semester? How much stress did you feel around the defense time those exams came around? These are the good transition and contrast essays types of problems that Patrick O’Malley argues against in his essay “More Testing, More Learning”. Defense Graduate Thesis? In this essay, O’Malley takes the stand presenting the fact that there are courses in college that provide infrequent testing. He lets it be known that this is not the reviews books most effective. Credibility , Critical thinking , Essay 1214 Words | 3 Pages. Pick a job you have held, and graduate thesis, describe it in terms of reviews books, span of control, delegation, responsibility, authority, and accountability . in relation to defense graduate thesis the course materials explanation of these terms. About Essays? In the United States Army there are two basic types of “Authority”: command authority and thesis, general military authority. Reviews Books? Authority is the defense legitimate power of leaders to elements from and contrast analysis direct soldiers or to thesis take action within the scope of their position. Military authority begins with the Constitution, which divides it between. Armed forces , Army , Business 731 Words | 3 Pages. You Have the Right to Remain Equal. You Have The Right To Remain Equal Do you consider yourself equal to reviews books your opposite gender? Of course, by law men . and women are entitled to have equal rights, although our public actions show otherwise. When is it okay to divide gender roles? Perhaps when playing a competitive sport. Defense Graduate? Why? Is it the different capability men and women have ? Is it fair to judge women? No, especially when the female gender is being picked on writing harshly. Various cultures depict equality based on their customs, however women. Equality , Female , Gender 1356 Words | 4 Pages. Where are you going? where have you been. Jennifer McVicker English 102 March 21, 2015 Where’s The Blame? In the story “Where Are Going? Where Have You Been?” by defense graduate thesis, Joyce . Carol Oates is essay about writing essays, based on a real life rapist and defense thesis, victim. Through out the good transition for compare essays story Connie’s decisions may lead people to believe that she instigated the defense thesis tragedy that happened to her. Reviews Books? Although, it looks as if Connie is to blame but she is a, but she actually is at defense graduate, the mercy of stronger forces. Reviews Books? One reason why Connie could be blamed for her tragedy is that she is sill, giddy and. Joyce Carol Oates , Pop music , Rape 1159 Words | 5 Pages. Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been. people views in innocence is freedom from sin, moral wrong, or guilt through lack of knowledge of graduate thesis, evil. At some point in everyone’s life they will eventually . lose there innocence, it just depends on two stories essay the choices they have made. In Joyce Carol Oates “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been.” She uses characterization and imagery to defense thesis show how Connie is dealing with the loss of her innocence Oates characterization of two stories, Arnold Friend shows how Connie’s perspective of defense graduate, Arnold and his looks leads to reviews books the. Arnold Schwarzenegger , Guy , Joyce Carol Oates 998 Words | 3 Pages. Weekend Market Descriptive Essay Exercise Answers. smells, tastes, sounds etc. Conclusion Summarize why this place is important or why you like it The Weekend Market . Many tourists I have met have told me that one place they have to graduate thesis go is the compare two stories essay weekend market. This market is huge and graduate, has everything from bags, souvenirs and handicrafts to many kinds of transition sentences and contrast essays, animals, many kinds of defense graduate thesis, plants and it also has a variety of local food. 1. ___________, the weekend market is a great place for reviews books shopping and experiencing the local culture. Defense Graduate? The market is. Bus stop , Coconut , Coconut water 1082 Words | 2 Pages. Commentary on "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been" Commentary on essay "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been" 10/17/06 Joyce Carol Oates has achieved many . things through her writing, and defense graduate, is recognized worldly for her short story "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" This story is centered on a young teenage girl as many of her stories are. Oates as a writer is fascinated with adolescence of young females. She chooses to write about the trials and tribulations of growing up in modern society. She pries on put the elements from and contrast analysis in order the dark aspects of youth often. Adolescence , Devil , Joyce Carol Oates 1491 Words | 4 Pages. Describe the Most Interesting Movie That You Have Seen. Describe an interesting film you saw recently. You should say; What is the title? When did you see it? . What is the story about? And explain why this movie was interesting to you . Defense Graduate? Last summer, my family and I went to AMC Movie Theater in Cupertino and enjoyed a movie entitled “Journey to the Center of the Earth”. It was a Science Fiction and adventure movie in three-dimensions. We enjoyed state-of –the-art computer graphics in the movie. Reviews Books? For instance, when a dinosaur chased the graduate characters. Cinema of the term paper United States , Film , Film genres 1694 Words | 6 Pages. Drawing from what you have learnt. Drawing from what you have learnt from the Making Social Lives DVD and Learning Companion 1, outline how material things on City . Graduate? Road favour the activities of some groups of people over others. Writing Tips? City Road in Cardiff is a street that stretches for nearly a mile and is one the busiest streets in Wales’ capital city. The streets origin began over 200 years ago as a country track and has grown to witness a diverse range of businesses develop alongside it. Defense Graduate? City Road offers the essay writing opportunity to defense thesis observe how. Age groups in Scouting and Guiding , Milton Keynes , Perception 842 Words | 3 Pages. Five Reason Why You Should Try Camping. approaching and tips, you have nothing else to do. You have no time to defense extend your vacation (or else your . boss will kill you ) and you have no money to spend. What do you do? Well, you do what our forefathers have experienced all their lives, live with nature. That’s right, enough with the first class trip with a hefty price tag and explore what nature has to offer. We’ve got 5 reasons why you should try living it up and awaken that little kid searching for transition for compare an adventure out in the wild. Thesis? 1. All you need is a. 2007 singles , All You Need Is Love , Cavite 798 Words | 3 Pages. ” Weekend ” by professional writing, Fay Weldon In the defense short story we are introduced to put the from analysis a family taking their weekly weekend trip to their cottage in . the countryside. For the most part, the story takes place at graduate, the cottage itself, and reviews books, here we get a good insight into the family’s, and especially Martha’s, life. The themes in this story are old vs. new norms and traditions relating to gender-roles within marriage and society. From the defense beginning the 3rd person narrator introduces us to Martha, a middle-aged woman of. Fay Weldon , Fiction , Gender 1115 Words | 3 Pages. complication in Love: "Where are you going, where have you been" Zou Eng 200 Essay 2 Love: Fantasy versus Reality in “Where are you going, where have you been?” Love is . what most of the people are pursuing. And there are people say: “love is complicated”. It is reviews books, true; love is a variety of different feelings with different states and attitudes. Graduate Thesis? Ancient Greeks identified four forms of good sentences and contrast essays, love: familiarity, friendship, sexual, and self-emptying. In the story “Where are you going, where have you been”, the graduate main character Connie encounters conflicts of love, author. Affection , Family , Friendship 1143 Words | 3 Pages. write about a time when you experienced a serious clash of loyalties. Write about a time when you experienced a serious clash of loyalties. I have never been so emotionally pained for good sentences for compare essays . my entire life. Sara and thesis, I were friends since primary. Put The Following Elements A Compare Character? We immediately clicked. We shared interests, hobbies, and developed a deep trust and defense graduate, loyalty for one another. I shared my most sacred thoughts and writing essays, secrets with her and she did the same with me. 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Development of polymer-bound fast-dissolving metformin buccal film with disintegrants. Accepted for publication 5 March 2015. Checked for plagiarism Yes. Shaikh Ershadul Haque, Angappan Sheela. Presently, pharmaceutical research is focusing on the development of new drug-delivery systems as the conventional mode of defense graduate thesis, drug administration suffers from several disadvantages. The rate of drug absorption is also dependant on various factors, like the nature of the drug, its formulation, and its interaction in in vivo conditions, which necessitates the development of fast-dissolving systems using polymers for their effective role as drug carriers. Put The And Contrast Essay In Order? This would increase the bioavailability of the graduate thesis, drug at the required site of action and bring about immediate pharmacological action. In addition, these systems ensure greater patient compliance, especially in compare two stories essay geriatrics and pediatrics. In this context, orally disintegrating systems have been studied quite extensively and received greater attention in recent times. Oral thin films (OTFs) are one such disintegrating system, which are instantly drenched by saliva and graduate thesis, adhere to the site of transition sentences and contrast essays, application. They disintegrate rapidly, delivering the medication by oromucosal absorption. 1 Several drugs that would otherwise undergo degradation in the gastrointestinal tract have been successfully administered by this route. 2–8 This suits patients suffering from repeated emesis, dysphagia, etc, who cannot swallow a large quantity of water. Thesis? In this context, several research groups have highlighted the importance of oral transmucosal drug delivery and its future prospects over tips conventional oral drug-delivery systems. Graduate Thesis? 9–11. Therefore, the purpose of the study reported here was to develop a polymer (chitosan)-based oral disintegrating systems of metformin in the form of thin films. Metformin was chosen as the do my, model drug based on defense graduate, its physicochemical properties and pharmacological action. The main limitations of metformin toward therapeutic effectiveness – its poor bioavailability (50%–60%), short biological half-life (5 hours), having the proximal small intestine as its main site of absorption, and the maintenance of essay tips, adequate plasma levels of the drug 12,13 – are overcome by this method of systemic drug delivery quite satisfactorily. Chitosan, a polysaccharide, was chosen based on its biocompatibility, biodegradability, and mucoadhesive property. Thesis? The bioavailability and disintegration properties of OTFs in saliva are increased by put the elements from and contrast analysis essay in order adding different ratios of defense graduate thesis, super-disintegrants such as starch, sodium starch glycolate (SSG), and microcrystalline cellulose (MCC). These novel drug-delivery systems are a rapid and an efficient approach toward therapeutic applications. Compare? 14,15. Materials and methods. Analytical grade metformin and MCC were obtained from Cipla Limited, Mumbai, India. AR-grade low-molecular-weight chitosan with a viscosity of 20–300 cps, starch, and SSG were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich Co (St Louis, MO, USA) and defense thesis, used as received. All other chemicals and reagents used were of analytical grade. The assay of the chosen drug (metformin hydrochloride) was validated and following from analysis, found to be 98.96% as per Indian pharmacopoeia (IP) 1996 and pre-formulation study was also carried out for the drug. Dissolution medium (pH 6.8) was also prepared as per IP 1996. Preparation of fast-dissolving buccal films. Different formulations of metformin fast-dissolving films (F1–F7) were prepared from metformin, chitosan, various disintegrants, sucrose, citric acid, and glycerol by graduate the solvent-casting technique (Table 1). Chitosan (204 mg) was dissolved in 1% acetic acid and stirred until a clear solution formed. To this, a calculated amount of metformin (500 mg), disintegrating agents – sucrose, citric acid, and glycerol – were added and diluted to 20 mL using double-distilled water. The solution was stirred continuously to obtain a clear bubble-free viscous solution, transferred into a clean petri dish (area of 13.995 cm 2 ), and kept at room temperature for approximately 24 hours. The prepared films were then cut into a size of compare two stories essay, 2×2 cm 2 , packed in aluminum foil, and stored in a desiccator. Table 1 Formulations of fast-dissolving buccal films of metformin and their compositions. Abbreviations: CH, chitosan; MCC, microcrystalline cellulose; SSG, sodium starch glycolate. Characterization of buccal films. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The infrared absorption spectra of thesis, OTFs (F1–F7) were analyzed, using a Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer (IR-Affinity-1, Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan). Mass uniformity and thickness. Three randomly selected different films from each batch (2×2 cm 2 ) were weighed individually on an electronic balance (AUY220 Analytical Balance, Shimadzu Corporation). The average weight of the films was calculated. The thickness of the films was measured by vernier caliper at three different positions on the film and the average was calculated. Uniform drug content of the professional tips, buccal films. The amount of drug present in the films was determined by dissolving the film in 100 mL of phosphate buffer (pH 6.8) for 8 hours under occasional shaking. Of this solution, 5 mL was taken out and diluted to 25 mL, and filtered through a 0.45 μm Whatman filter paper. Defense Graduate Thesis? The drug content was then determined by UV spectrophotometer at 232 nm. The experiments were carried out in triplicate and the average value was taken. Determination of surface pH. Compatibility of the buccal films was determined by measuring surface pH. The films were allowed to do my term paper, dip in defense 40 mL of do my term paper, phosphate buffer (pH 6.8) at defense graduate, 37°C±5°C for 2 hours. The surface pH of the buccal films was confirmed with a pH meter. Evaluation of tips, physical stability. Folding endurance of the defense thesis, buccal films was determined by repeatedly folding one film 16 at the same place till it broke or was folded up to about, 350 times manually, which is defense graduate thesis considered satisfactory to reveal good film properties. The value of the folding endurance was calculated by counting the number of folds made at the same place without the film breaking. Tensile strength and percentage elongation studies of buccal films. The strength of the buccal films was determined by measuring tensile strength (TS) and percentage elongation. Two Stories? A universal testing machine (H5K-S UTM, Tinius Olsen Testing Machine Company, Horsham, PA, USA) was used for the determination of TS by maximum stress applied to graduate, the buccal film until it reached the tips, point at which it would break. TS was computed by using the graduate thesis, cross-sectional area of the buccal film as per Equation 1. 17 The average of do my paper, triplicate readings was taken (Table 2). Table 2 Evaluation of fast-dissolving buccal films of metformin. Note: Results are expressed as of mean ± standard deviation (n=3). Percentage elongation was determined by measuring the distance obtained by the maximum length just before the breaking point of the film on thesis, the scale, as per good transition for compare and contrast essays Equation 2. Defense? Percentage elongation can also be useful to find out the elasticity as well as the strength of a film. In vitro dissolution studies. Drug-release studies of the fast-dissolving buccal films of metformin were carried out by using a single-bucket United States Pharmacopeia type I basket apparatus containing 500 mL of pH 6.8 phosphate buffer as the dissolution medium maintained at 37°C±0.5°C. 18,19 It was stirred at 100 rpm and 5 mL samples were withdrawn at 2-minute intervals and replaced with fresh phosphate buffer. Absorbance was measured at 232 nm. The physical parameters, like folding endurance, thickness, TS and % elongation, provide insight into put the following from a compare and contrast character essay the stability of the films with regard to their utility in pharmaceutical applications. Results and discussion. We obtained desirable compatibility between a drug-polymer and disintegrants with favorable surface properties. Compatibility between a drug-polymer and defense graduate, different disintegrants was compared using Fourier transform infrared spectra. The positions of stretching frequencies of important functional groups in all formulations (F1–F6) were found to be comparable to the pure drug-polymer in the absence of any disintegrants (F7). This indicates that there was no chemical interaction of the drug-polymer with the disintegrants (Figure 1). Figure 1 Fourier transform infrared spectra of drug and polymer with different disintegrants. In addition, mass uniformity, thickness, folding endurance, surface pH, % elongation, and TS values of films were evaluated and were found to be comparable to those of standard limiting values. The surface morphology of the films of different formulations was analyzed using a 100× magnification microscope (RS Microscope System for spectro meter model -PRO-532; PeakSeeker Pro™-532, Raman Laboratory Systems, Woburn, MA, USA) (Figure 2). The images in Figure 2 show surface modifications based on the disintegrants used. The morphology of the starch-containing films (F1, F4, and reviews books, F5) was slightly different from the morphology shown by other formulations. F2 and F3 contained SSG and MCC, respectively, as a disintegrant and show more or less similar morphology. F6 had a unique morphology because of the presence of both SSG and MCC and showed greater efficacy. Figure 2 Microscopic images of batches (F1–F7) of metformin fast-dissolving buccal film. The prepared films possessed no cracks on their surfaces and were cut into 2×2 cm 2 pieces. The various parameters evaluated for all the graduate thesis, formulated films are represented in Table 2. The weight of films varied from 70 to 85 mg and they exhibited a thickness of approximately 0.1885 mm. Put The From A Compare Character Analysis In Order? We did not observe any substantial increase in thickness with respect to variations in defense weight attributed to the addition of reviews books, disintegrants. However, we did observe that the thickness of all formulations (F1–F6) showed a slight increase in thickness as compared to the thickness of formulation F7, without disintegrants. The folding endurance varied between 285 and 335 times, which is considered the sign of good flexibility, except for film F5, containing starch and MCC, which showed lower flexibility. Defense Thesis? The surface pH of essay, all the formulations was around neutral (pH 6–7) and hence no irritation would be caused to the buccal cavity. All the formulations contained more than 95% of the drug, as observed by the drug-content study, which indicated that the formulations were satisfactory for defense graduate, further study. Mucoadhesive formulations have been designed in various forms, like strips, 20 patches, 21 disks, 22 films, 23 etc, and a few potential routes suitable for essay writing, these dosage forms are via the buccal cavity; sublingually; via the eyes; via the nasal cavity; or via the gastrointestinal, vaginal, or rectal areas. Defense? 24 Among these routes, the buccal mucosa, rich in blood supply, is relatively permeable to systemic circulation and facilitates the following elements a compare and contrast character analysis essay in order, rapid absorption of defense graduate thesis, drugs due to their inherent flexibility and elasticity. 25,26 This made us want to develop fast-dissolving buccal films of metformin targeted to bring about immediate therapeutic action. An ideal OTF should have certain characteristics like compatibility and other favorable properties, as mentioned. In order to determine the following and contrast analysis essay in order, flexibility and defense graduate thesis, elasticity of the buccal films, the TS and % elongation were calculated and these showed variations based on the disintegrants used in various ratios represented in Table 3. Higher % elongation and TS were expected for an ideal buccal film. 27 The TS and compare essay, % elongation varied from 0.1884 to 0.2708 (N/cm 2 ) and 2.5% to 5.0%, respectively. Figure 3 represents the comparative TS values. The corresponding % elongation values are given in Table 3. From this, it can be observed that the TS values increase and % elongation decreases with the addition of disintegrants in all formulations as compared to the values obtained for formulation F7, without disintegrants. Defense Graduate Thesis? We did not observe any marked differences between formulations F1–F6. 28. Table 3 Results of reviews books, tensile strength and percentage elongation for all films. Figure 3 Tensile strength of all buccal films (F1–F7). The results of the in vitro cumulative drug release of metformin from all the formulations (F1–F7) are shown in Table 4. The formulations were designed in such a way that the graduate, films showed immediate release, thereby having a shorter contact period in the buccal cavity, providing greater comfort to patients. The in professional vitro dissolution data confirm that all formulations satisfied the requirement of an graduate thesis immediate drug-release profile. F6 showed 92% of put the following elements a compare and contrast analysis essay, drug release in 6 minutes. All other formulations showed more than 90% release within 10 minutes. The difference in release profile was due to the incorporation of different disintegrants in thesis various ratios. Put The Following Elements A Compare And Contrast Character In Order? Among all the graduate thesis, formulations, formula F6, containing SSG and MCC, was useful for immediate-release drug delivery. Table 4 represents the reviews books, cumulative % drug release and a graphical representation is shown in Figure 4. Table 4 In vitro dissolution (% cumulative release) profile of metformin buccal film. Figure 4 Cumulative drug release of all buccal films (F1–F7). The work presented here indicates the great potential of fast-dissolving buccal films containing metformin for systemic delivery that have the added advantage of circumventing hepatic first-pass metabolism. Defense Graduate? Although various parameters evaluated show optimum values as per the standard limits, the values seem to vary only slightly for compare essay, formulations F1–F6, as compared to those for formulation F7. The prepared buccal films possessed good mechanical properties as indicated by their TS and % elongation values. However, these formulations facilitated the immediate release of metformin and also maintained the therapeutic dosage of the drug administered through the graduate thesis, buccal route. But, the dissolution test revealed that the professional essay, most effective immediate release was demonstrated by formulation F6, due to the combined effect of two different disintegrants, SSG and graduate, MCC. It is significant to note that the in vivo bioavailability of a drug can best be predicted based on in vitro dissolution results rather on disintegration tests, as in vivo bioavailability may vary depending upon the nature of the compare, disintegrant or disintegrant combinations used for the specified drug. The types of films discussed here have greater future prospects for defense graduate thesis, their utility value in emergency situations, provided the issues of stability, durability, and efficacy are taken care of. The authors would like to thank the management of VIT University, Vellore, India, for its continuous support and facilities provided, as these were instrumental to carrying out the work. Compare? Thanks are also due to Johnson & Johnson for defense, sponsorship. They would also like to extend their gratitude to professional, Dr Sandip Sarkar, School of Social Sciences and graduate, Languages, VIT University, for paper, proofreading the manuscript. The authors report no conflicts of interest in defense graduate thesis this work. Anders R, Merkle HP. Evaluation of laminated mucoadhesive patches for buccal drug delivery. Professional? Int J Pharm. 1989;49(3):231–240. Chen WG, Hwang GC. Adhesive and in vitro release characteristics of propranolol bioadhesive disc system. Int J Pharm. 1992;82(1–2):61–66. Alur HH, Pather SI, Mitra AK, Johnston TP. Transmucosal sustained-delivery of chlorpheniramine maleate in rabbits using a novel, natural mucoadhesive gum as an excipient in buccal tablets. 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Amidated pectin-based wafers for econazole buccal delivery: Formulation optimization and antimicrobial efficacy estimation. Carbohyd Polym. 2015;121:231–240. Whitehead L, Fell JT, Collett JH, Sharma HL, Smith AM. Floating dosage forms: an in vivo study demonstrating prolonged gastric retention. J Control Release. Graduate? 1998;55(1):3–12. Basak SC, Rahman J, Ramalingam M. Design and in professional writing tips vitro testing of a floatable gastroretentive tablet of metformin hydrochloride. Pharmazie . 2007;62(2):145–148. Arya A, Chandra A, Sharma V, Pathak K. Fast dissolving oral films: an innovative drug delivery system and graduate, dosage form. International Journal of reviews books, Chem Tech Research. 2010;2(1):576–583. Mashru RC, Sutariya VB, Sankalia MG, Parikh PP. Development and evaluation of fast-dissolving film of thesis, salbutamol sulphate. Drug Dev Ind Pharm. 2005;31(1):25–34. Khanna R. 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Development of mucoadhesive patches for buccal administration of carvedilol. Curr Drug Del. 2007;4(1):27–39. This work is published and licensed by Dove Medical Press Limited. Defense? The full terms of this license are available at and term, incorporate the Creative Commons Attribution - Non Commercial (unported, v3.0) License. By accessing the work you hereby accept the Terms. Non-commercial uses of the work are permitted without any further permission from Dove Medical Press Limited, provided the work is defense thesis properly attributed. For permission for commercial use of this work, please see paragraphs 4.2 and 5 of our Terms. Readers of professional tips, this article also read: Enhancement of encapsulation efficiency of defense, nanoemulsion-containing aripiprazole for the treatment of schizophrenia using mixture experimental design. Fard Masoumi HR, Basri M, Sarah Samiun W, Izadiyan Z, Lim CJ. Published Date: 13 October 2015. Structural and magnetic properties of cobalt-doped iron oxide nanoparticles prepared by solution combustion method for biomedical applications. Venkatesan K, Rajan Babu D, Kavya Bai MP, Supriya R, Vidya R, Madeswaran S, Anandan P, Arivanandhan M, Hayakawa Y. Published Date: 1 October 2015. Biobased silver nanocolloid coating on writing tips, silk fibers for prevention of post-surgical wound infections. Dhas SP, Anbarasan S, Mukherjee A, Chandrasekaran N. Published Date: 1 October 2015. Preparation and defense graduate thesis, characterization of cefditoren pivoxil-loaded liposomes for controlled in vitro and in vivo drug release. Venugopalarao G, Lakshmipathy R, Sarada NC. Published Date: 1 October 2015. Enhancement of bioactivity of titanium carbonitride nanocomposite thin films on steels with biosynthesized hydroxyapatite. Thampi VV, Dhandapani P, Manivasagam G, Subramanian B. Published Date: 1 October 2015. Impact of silk fibroin-based scaffold structures on and contrast essays, human osteoblast MG63 cell attachment and proliferation. Varkey A, Venugopal E, Sugumaran P, Janarthanan G, Pillai MM, Rajendran S, Bhattacharyya A. Published Date: 1 October 2015. Summary of the National Conference on Challenges in Biomaterials Research jointly organized by VIT and CSIR-CECRI. Manivasagam G, Subramanian B, Webster TJ. Published Date: 1 October 2015. Core-shell nanostructured hybrid composites for volatile organic compound detection. Tung TT, Losic D, Park SJ, Feller JF, Kim TY. Published Date: 28 August 2015. Development of an oral push–pull osmotic pump of graduate, fenofibrate-loaded mesoporous silica nanoparticles. Zhao Z, Wu C, Zhao Y, Hao Y, Liu Y, Zhao W. Published Date: 3 March 2015. Cellular trafficking and following elements a compare character in order, anticancer activity of Garcinia mangostana extract-encapsulated polymeric nanoparticles. Pan-In P, Wanichwecharungruang S, Hanes J, Kim AJ. Published Date: 6 August 2014. © Copyright 2017 • Dove Press Ltd • Website development by • Web Design by Adhesion. The opinions expressed in all articles published here are those of the specific author(s), and defense, do not necessarily reflect the views of Dove Medical Press Ltd or any of its employees.

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The reason is our essay writers always try to defense thesis, prepare impeccable solutions so that our customers do not struggle. Students may not like any part of the solutions delivered by us. They can always ask for professional essay revision. Our experts are always here to modify the help materials according the requirements of the students. Many Australian students feel daunted when it comes to defense graduate thesis, preparing the reference list. That is why we provide referencing help as well. Our experts not only provide helpful tips but also prepare reference lists for compare two stories essay students. We cover all kinds of citation styles such as APA, MLA, Harvard, Oxford, Chicago, Vancouver, etc. We have a simple and quick order submission process. Students are required to undergo three steps for availing our essay writing services in thesis, Australia. Put The Following Elements A Compare And Contrast Analysis. Initially, they have to graduate, fill up the order form. They are requested to mention all the compare, essay related specifications like word count, area, referencing style, analysis techniques, theories to be focused on, etc. After that, they can submit the form. They will get a quote immediately after submitting the form. They can make the payment if they want to confirm their orders. We know that everyone is concerned about graduate, their privacy and essay, safety. Defense Graduate Thesis. We assure 100% privacy. Two Stories Essay. It is our duty to keep our customers’ identical details confidential. We do not share our clients’ personal information with any third-party. Students can trust us and defense, avail our essay writing services in Australia. We accept payment through multiple secured modes. Students can make the payment through PayPal which is the safest payment mode. They can also make the payment through bank transfer or debit or credit card. Get Premium Quality Essay Writing Help from Myassignmenthelp.Com in Australia At Affordable Rates. We are known for providing quality essay writing help in Australia at nominal rates. We charge very less for our premium essay help services for term paper the students in Australia so that everyone can avail help from us. We keep low profit margins. Factors that allow us to maintain high standards at low profit margins are discussed below. We do not hire freelancers as they charge very high for completing a project. Moreover, they do not follow a fixed working schedule. We recruit in-house essay writers of Australia to provide essay drafting help to the students studying in Australia. Our essay experts of graduate thesis Australia complete multiple projects at a fixed monthly salary. This helps us in cost savings and we can easily provide our best essay writing services to the students in Australia at good transition for compare and contrast essays, the best market price. 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