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Have you ever made an awesome chocolate cake without looking at a recipe first? Unless you are an extremely talented baker, most likely the answer is essay “no.” Just one cup of flour too many and your chocolate dessert will be a chocolate mess! The same goes for how to a topic for an, writing a 5-paragraph essay. If you are an extremely talented writer, you may be able to on stealing, intuitively create a compelling essay with all the components needed to be both persuasive and easy to swallow…or follow. However, if writing doesn’t come easily to you, you can benefit from a topic sentence essay creating a 5-paragraph essay outline before jumping into your writing assignment. On Stealing! I always make an outline first, no matter what writing project I’m working on. There are endless, different ways to essay, write a compelling essay. But, if your teacher is demanding that you sum up your argument in five succinct paragraphs, follow this easy tutorial on how to create a 5-paragraph essay outline. Structure of the 5-Paragraph Essay Outline. The 5-paragraph essay is made of…you guessed it…five paragraphs. Each paragraph serves a specific purpose: Paragraph 1: Amazing introduction (hook) and on stealing, the all-important thesis statement Paragraph 2: Argument A and supporting facts or quotes Paragraph 3: Argument B and supporting facts or quotes Paragraph 4: Argument C and supporting facts or quotes Paragraph 5: Conclusion, made up of heaven earth places your restated thesis and the broader significance of your argument. Here’s how this outline would look if you sketched it out: A Note on Formatting Your 5-Paragraph Essay Outline. Now, I’m not saying that you must put your outline into a diagram like the one above—using a simple pen and paper or word processor will suffice. Essay! If you like technology though, there are several digital outlining tools that can help you out—some of them more sophisticated and user-friendly than others. It’s not really about how to write a topic sentence, making a perfect 5-paragraph essay outline, rather, it’s about developing an essay on stealing, outline that makes the most sense to you. An outline ensures that you have the necessary components to write an awesome essay. Without further delay, let’s jump into thesis and prejudice, more detail about each of the outline components. First we need a topic. Typically, your instructor will give you a subject to write about, or at least parameters for a topic. Always follow your teacher’s specific instructions when embarking on your 5-paragraph essay journey. Essay On Stealing! After all, you don’t want the wrath of your instructor to come down upon you for completely ignoring instructions. For our sample topic, we’re going to use the following prompt: What are the what is chemosynthesis, arguments for or against writing a 5-paragraph essay? Should teachers continue requesting this writing method from students? Step Two: Take a Stance on Your Topic. We need to take a stance for essay, or against teachers asking students to write 5-paragraph essays, so we can argue for or against it in write a topic essay, our thesis statement. Don’t make the mistake of not taking a stance —without taking a position, your essay (five paragraphs or twenty) will have no direction at essay all. When deciding on your position, you have to what is chemosynthesis, choose one that can be backed with valid and supportable arguments, either from your research or from the course materials provided in your class. For our sample essay outline, I’m going to take a stance against the 5-paragraph essay . Step Three: Write a Clear Thesis Statement. Based on my chosen stance against 5-paragraph essays, my thesis statement will be “Teachers should stop teaching students to write 5-paragraph essays.” Notice the essay, word “should” in the thesis statement? More power can be added to your position by good thesis statement and prejudice, creating a statement about on stealing, what should or shouldn’t be done. Essay On Hammurabi's Of Laws! This is a much stronger and more defensible stance than if I simply wrote “5-paragraph essays are boring,” or something similar. Step Four: Develop Three Arguments to essay, Underscore Your Thesis. Now you need to come up with three arguments that will back your thesis statement. Here are mine: The 5-paragraph essay is too basic. There are myriad other ways to essay on hammurabi's, write essays, many of on stealing which are more thought-provoking and creative than the is chemosynthesis, 5-paragraph essay. The 5-paragraph essay does not allow for analytical thinking, rather, it confines students to following a restrictive formula. Step Five: Develop Three Supports for Each of essay Your Arguments. Your evidence, or supports, should include facts, quotes, and essay on hammurabi's code, data that substantiate your thesis. This is essay on stealing a great place to include quotes directly from your research sources. For example, to support argument A (“The 5-paragraph essay is too basic”), I might offer the following evidence: Support 1A : Chicago teacher Ray Salazar says, “The five-paragraph essay is rudimentary, unengaging, and useless.” Support 2A: Elizabeth Guzik of California State University, Long Beach says, “The five paragraph essay encourages students to good thesis for pride and prejudice, engage only on the surface level without attaining the level of cogency demanded by college writing.” Similarly, in regards to argument C (“The 5-paragraph essay does not allow for analytical thinking, rather, it confines students to following a restrictive formula”), I might support it with this quote: Support 1C: According to essay, an article in Education Week , “There is a consensus among college writing professors that ‘students are coming [to college] prepared to do five-paragraph themes and arguments but [are] radically unprepared in thinking analytically.’” Remember, for Non Profit, the 5-paragraph essay structure, you typically need to on stealing, come up with three supports for each of your three arguments. What Is Chemosynthesis! In our example, I only show three of the total nine supports needed to round out the essay on stealing, argument. Once you have your thesis and arguments sorted, you can work on developing your introduction. (*Hint* it’s an exercise in futility to good thesis for pride, develop your introduction first, because you won’t really know what you’re introducing yet.) For example, my hook could be, “English teachers across the nation have been teaching students to become ineffective writers.” This hook makes a bold statement that will encourage readers to continue on to find out why I would say such a thing… especially if the reader is your English teacher. Step Seven: Develop Your Conclusion. After you have your paper outlined, figuring out a concluding paragraph should be a breeze. In a traditional 5-paragraph essay, the first step in writing your conclusion is to restate your thesis using different words. For example, I might write, “The 5-paragraph essay is an on stealing, outdated and useless writing tool that should be phased out of the classroom.” To close out the paper, I would open a discussion on the broader significance of this argument. Good! For example, I might write, “Teachers should teach other methods of essay writing that help students stay organized and also allow them to on stealing, think analytically.” Now that you’ve established all the what is chemosynthesis, components of your 5-paragraph essay outline, you’ll need to actually sit down, avoid social media for a while (I know, it’s hard), and write your 5-paragraph essay. On Stealing! Believe me, it will be much easier to do now that your thoughts are organized and you have somewhere to start. Ask any writer. There is nothing more frightening than the pure white of an what, empty page. On Stealing! An outline is a great remedy for this. Oh, and a couple more things: As you start writing, you’ll want to what is chemosynthesis, be sure to essay, connect all the pieces of your essay together with strong transition sentences. Don’t just line up the notes from your outline and call it done. And always, always be sure to edit; if you need help with that, you can use Kibin’s essay editing services. Spend a little extra time adding those finishing touches that will elevate your essay from good to great. How about you? Do you work from an outline? Or are you more accustomed to writing by the seat of your pants? Let us know in the comments. Psst. 98% of essay on hammurabi's Kibin users report better grades! Get inspiration from over essay 500,000 example essays. About the Author. Naomi Tepper is a former Kibin editor, the former content manager for the Kibin blog, and forever a word nerd. Excellent post. Love the paradoxical example. How To Essay! I’ll try this with my blog posts. We’re not huge fans of the 5-paragraph essay, but we realize it’s still a widely taught and utilized writing method. The paradoxical example was the perfect way for us to express our own view while still writing a valuable and useful article. I’m glad you appreciate it 😉 I liked it so much I created a Mind map for essay, it at Xmind. Write Essay! Hope that’s okay. Very cool! Thanks for on stealing, doing and is chemosynthesis, sharing this, @sganpat:disqus. this is completely helpful. Awesome! Glad it helped you. 🙂 What a very useful tips that is so applicable in essay, all writer’s on Non Profit Organizations, how to essay on stealing, write well written paragraph. Of Laws! I think these are all very efficient and effective things that everyone should learned. Thank you for essay on stealing, the good tips and methods of writing you have putted here. It was all useful and helpful stuffs. Thank you for your comment! I’m so glad you found this post to be useful and helpful. Well explained about for pride, how to essay, construct an argument. Wow nice post ! Will definitely use it when I write again 🙂 Fantastic! Glad you found it useful. 🙂 Wow nice post ! Thank you for sharing this 🙂 Very nice article. Thank for sharing this. You’re welcome! Glad you found it useful. I really appreciate your post. Structure is the soul of any essay and you describe it in on hammurabi's code, a great way. Thanks for your kind comments! Great question! Here is a good blog post that covers alternative structures: Thank you very much for the article is very important information! I especially liked the point Step Seven: Step Seven: Develop Your Conclusion clearly we need to develop this part of the essay on stealing, Essenes.

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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live on the moon? What about Mars, or Venus or Mercury? We sure have and that's why we decided to find out what it might be like to live on essay, other worlds in our solar system, from essay on hammurabi's of laws Mercury to Pluto and beyond in a new, weekly 12-part series. For this series, written by contributor Joseph Castro, we wanted to essay, know what the physical sensation of living on other worlds would be like: What would the gravity be like on Mercury; How long would your day be on Venus? What's the weather on Titan? For the sake of our solar system tour, let's take it as a given that humanity has the futuristic tech needed to set up a base on the planets. So join each week as we skip across the solar system and see what it would feel like to live beyond Earth. Check out our schedule for write sentence, the tour through the solar system and essay on stealing, beyond below: The closest planet to the sun is an inhospitable place, and probably not the to search, first choice for human colonization. But if somehow we had the technology, what would it be like for people to essay, live on Mercury? Mercury is essay code, a weird place. See just how weird the closest planet to the sun is in our photo tour. So you've read what it might be like to be a colonist on on stealing, Mercury. Now see the websites to search for research, details in visual form. Essay On Stealing?'s Karl Tate lays out what livingon Mercury might be like for an astronaut. From its hellish temperatures to essay, crushing pressures and essay on stealing, volcanoes, the planet Venus might be a hard place for an astronaut to what, set up camp. Here's what it might be like for an astronaut to live on the second planet from the sun. If you thought Venus was the perfect vacation spot, better think again. See how some if its most hellish aspects would challenge astronauts in essay, this infographic by's Karl Tate. Venus is the brightest planet in our night sky, and one of the strangest. Take a look at some of the oddest facts about this weird world. From its lack of an heaven earth changed places, atmosphere to dusty surface, the moon wouldn't be the most hospitable place for lunar colonizers to find themselves. Find out how they might be able to make the lunar surface a more cozy place to put down roots. How could you live on the moon?'s Karl Tate explains some of the odds lunar explorers are up against in this infographic. Here are 10 amazing and surprising facts about the moon. Humans have long-dreamed about on stealing, potentially colonizing the to search, Red Planet, but what would it really take for humans to comfortably live on Mars? What kind of challenges would humans face when trying to set up shop on Mars? The thin Martian atmosphere, harsh climate and other factors would make the Red Planet is a tough place for Martian explorers to live, but it could be possible. The dwarf Planet Ceres may be round, but it doesn't have much of an atmosphere to speak of. Essay On Stealing? What would it be like for Non Profit Organizations, human explorers if they visited this object in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter? Learn more about what it might be like for human beings to live on the dwarf planet Ceres in the asteroid belt. More about Ceres and the asteroid belt : What would human explorers visiting Jupiter's icy moon Europa find when they get there? It's possible some form of essay on stealing, life might already be there waiting for them. Europa is one of the most viable places in the solar system to hunt for life as we know it, but could humans find a way to settle it? More about Jupiter and its moons : Tuesday, March 10 – At Saturn, the Ringed Planet. Saturn might not be a place where huamns could live, but its moons Titan and Enceladus might hold more hope for human colonists. Saturn's moon Titan might be the most hospitable place in heaven, the solar system for humans to set up shop. What would it be like for a human explorer to hang out on Titan? More about Saturn and its moons: How would it feel to bounce around in the low gravity of Titania or Miranda? Find out what it might be like to colonize the moons of Uranus. Get a close-up look at what it could be like to live on Titania, Uranus' largest moon. More about Uranus and its moons : While Neptune doesn't have much of on stealing, a solid surface under its layers and layers of write for an, gas, its huge moon Triton might be a fun (and maybe difficult) place for humans to settle in essay on stealing, the solar system. Triton could be an interesting place to live in the solar sytem. Learn more about what the first human settlers of the world could possibly find. More about Neptune and a topic for an, its moons : How cold would human settlers on Pluto really be? The mysterious dwarf planet will be explored in closer detail when NASA's New Horizons probe flys by essay on stealing the icy body in a topic for an, July. Learn more about what it might be like to live on on stealing, Pluto, if humans ever make it that far into websites for research papers the solar system. More about on stealing, Pluto and its moons : Tuesday, April 7 – Following a Comet. Living on comets requires great care — the gravity is so weak that you could easily jump off the frozen bodies and into space. Halley's Comet, a dusty ball of ice and frozen gases, spends most of its time in the chilly outland of the solar system. To Search For Research? See what it would be like to live on a comet in essay, this infographic. Saturday, May 9 – On a Strange New World. There are many unknowns regarding the potentially habitable exoplanet Kepler-186f, but it may have similar light (from its star) and gravity as Earth. At last humans are able to make educated guesses about Non Profit Organizations, what living on on stealing, alien worlds might be like. Here's what we know about the alien planet Kepler-186f. The alien planet Kepler-186f is a planet only slightly larger than Earth orbiting inside the habitable zone of a topic sentence for an essay, its red dwarf star. See images and photos of the Kepler-186f planet discovery in this gallery. A rocky planet that could have liquid water at its surface orbits a star 490 light-years away. More resources on essay on stealing, exoplanets: Tariq joined Purch's team in what, 2001 as a staff writer, and later editor, covering human spaceflight, exploration and space science. On Stealing? He became's Managing Editor in 2009. Before joining, Tariq was a staff reporter for The Los Angeles Times. He is thesis statement for pride and prejudice, also an Eagle Scout (yes, he has the Space Exploration merit badge) and went to Space Camp four times as a kid and a fifth time as an adult. He has journalism degrees from the University of on stealing, Southern California and New York University. To see his latest project, you can follow Tariq on Google+, Twitter and on Facebook. Tariq Malik, Managing Editor on. NASA to Update EM-1 Schedule in October. SpaceX to how to write, Phase Out Everything But Its Mars-Colonizing 'BFR' Rocket. NASA Asteroid Probe Snaps Farewell Photo of Earth and Moon. After Cassini: 14 Epic Planetary Science Missions to Get Excited About. Langley Research Center: 100 Years of Exploring Flight.
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